DREAMERS EXCHANGE: Content Creators & Filmmakers Masterclasses 2023

Date: February – August 2023
Venue: Nashua House and Online
Target Group: Creative Practitioners

The Dreamers Exchange: Content Creators & Filmmakers Masterclasses is all about
upskilling talent in the creative industry. The key program goals include, helping Batswana
practitioners build their skills, and facilitating knowledge transfer from local, regional, and
international experts to creatives in Botswana.
We achieved these goals through the following components:

  1. Masterclasses: We hosted six hybrid masterclasses over six months. These
    sessions were a mix of online and in-person formats, covering topics like
    screenwriting, producing, acting & performance, cinematography, sound editing, and
    directing. Participants had the chance to learn from a diverse group of facilitators,
    including professionals from the local industry, regional, and Hollywood experts.
  2. Short Film Challenge: After the masterclasses, participants were grouped to create
    short films, allowing them to showcase the skills and knowledge they acquired during
    the program. This hands-on challenge was the perfect way for them to put their
    learning into practice and demonstrate their growth.

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